Deregister your car
Documents required to deregister a car:
- vehicle card (from 04.09.2022 - not needed)
- Technical passport
- Sales contract or invoice
- Up-to-date technical inspection
- Up-to-date insurance
- License plates
Additional fees:
Transit (red) license plates
Power of Attorney (Pełnomocnictwo)
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Vehicle deregistration
Poland is a country famous for its low car prices. Most often foreigners come to Poland to earn money in order to save up for a new car. And many of them succeed! If your car was purchased in Poland, it must be deregistered by law before you take it home. Unfortunately, not all citizens know how this procedure should take place. In addition, the operation has many nuances. Now, we will explain these nuances to you.
Why do I have to de-register my car?
This is the law - as early as in 2020, the Government of the Republic of Poland has introduced special provisions that stipulate a fine (200-1000 PLN) for late deregistration of a car.
In addition, there is another legal act, according to which all cars with registration must have compulsory insurance. Failure to comply with this rule entails a corresponding penalty (from 2021 - a fine of 5600 PLN if the car has been uninsured for more than two weeks).
In addition, several other laws provide for taxation under special circumstances. Therefore, you should not take any risks.
After the car is deregistered, you will be issued a temporary registration and a temporary technical passport for 30 days.
How to deregister a car in the Republic of Poland
The standard procedure for deregistration of a car takes place at the city council.
Documents required for the procedure of deregistration of a car:
- technical passport;
- insurance;
- technical inspection;
- sales contract or invoice;
- license plates.
Frequently Asked Questions
Free consultation
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- NIP: 5252904413